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English as a New Language

Hamilton Southeastern Schools employs a staff of ENL Collaborative Teachers and Instructional Assistants to work with our language learners. Students that qualify for our ENL program will receive an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP).  

This ILP will be based on the language level of the student and will indicate accommodations necessary for the student. The ENL Collaborative Teacher will work closely with all classroom and subject area teachers in order to support both the language learner and the teacher to foster success in the classroom.  Our ENL Collaborative Teachers focus on Co-Teaching in order to support students in the classroom.  The ENL Collaborative Teachers will also meet with students individually and in small groups as needed. 

WIDA ACCESS is an English language proficiency assessment administered to Kindergarten through 12th-grade students who have been identified as English language learners. It is given annually and is required by the state of Indiana.  The results of this test are shared with families by the ENL Collaborative Teacher. This test serves as one of the multiple measures used to determine whether students are prepared to exit English language support programs. Translators are available and will be provided by the district to discuss test scores or any other needs ENL students or families may have.

Meet the Team

For more information, please contact the ENL Collaborative Teacher at your school (listed below), or Danielle Riego, ENL Coach & Coordinator

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 30 of 78 constituents

Emily Ahlfeld

Sand Creek Elementary

Fadwa Alshajrawi

Instructional Assistant
Fall Creek Elementary

Nadia Ayoub

Instructional Assistant, ENL
Riverside Intermediate

Sara Baer

Instructional Assistant, ENL
Brooks School Elementary, Preschool of the Natural Sciences

Sarah Baker

Harrison Parkway Elementary

Adriana Barreros

Instructional Assistant
HSE Intermediate and Junior High

Alexandra Beiswanger

New Britton Elementary

Katy Bravo

Riverside Junior High

Jeffrey Brunnemer

Fall Creek Junior High

Danielle Campbell

Southeastern Elementary

Jacquelyn Cappello

HSE Intermediate and Junior High

Stephanie Covey

ENL Instructional Assistant
Thorpe Creek Elementary

Crystal Cox

Fishers High School

McKenna Crawford

Instructional Assistant
Fall Creek Intermediate

Michelle Dahl

ENL Teacher
Southeastern Elementary

Kelly Darragh

ENL Teacher
New Britton Elementary

Taylor Davis

Sand Creek Intermediate

Fidaa Derbas

Riverside Junior High

Amber Devenport

Harrison Parkway Elementary

Anna Douthit

Instructional Assistant
Sand Creek Elementary

Alison Durm

Instructional Assistant
Harrison Parkway Elementary

Jenny Filka

ENL Teacher
Cumberland Road Elementary

Sierra Freeman-Aaron

Harrison Parkway Elementary

Michele Golando

ENL Teacher
Lantern Road Elementary

Elise Gorman

Instructional Assistant
Fishers Junior High

Erin Groninger

Fall Creek Elementary

Debbie Harn

ENL Teacher
Lantern Road Elementary

Bridget Hellyer

Sand Creek Intermediate

Kim Hill

ENL Teacher
HSE Intermediate and Junior High

Kristi Hill

Teacher, ENL
Cumberland Road Elementary