Public Notices
- Notice of Preliminary Determination: GO Bonds for Proposed 2025 HIJ Renovation
- Notice of Preliminary Determination: GO Bonds for Proposed 2025-2026 District-Wide Facility Improvement
- Notice Execution of Amended and Restated Lease
- Notice to Sub-Contractors - Pre-Qualification (FCI Renovation)
- Notice to Pre-Qualified Bidders (FCI Renovation)
- Notice of Public Hearings: District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project
- Request for Proposals - E-Rate Category 2 Equipment
- Notice To Taxpayers of Additional Appropriations
- 2025: Notice to Taxpayers, Proposed Bus Replacement, Proposed Capital Projects Plan
- ESSER Funds
Notice of Preliminary Determination: GO Bonds for Proposed 2025 HIJ Renovation
Owners of real property, and registered voters residing, in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”), hereby are given notice that the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation (the “Board”) preliminarily has determined, at its meeting held January 22, 2025, (1) that a need exists for all or any portion of (a) certain renovation, upgrade, expansion, improvement and/or equipping projects at the existing Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School, its related outdoor facilities and site improvements on which the existing Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School and its related outdoor facilities, are, or will be, located, including, but not limited to, (i) renovations and updates to all or any portion of the interior of the facility, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of the existing classrooms, media center, cafeteria, administration areas and restrooms, (ii) replacement and upgrade of all or any portion of the existing heating and air conditioning, electrical, plumbing and/or technology systems (iii) replacement of all or any portion of the lighting system with LED lighting, (iv) renovations and updates to all or any portion of the exterior of the facility and building envelope, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of roof restoration/replacement, window replacement, masonry repair, gutter and downspout replacement/repair, and EIFS repair/restoration, (v) construction and equipping of an addition to the existing facility, which upon completion is currently anticipated to consist of approximately 13,000 square feet and contain approximately 12 academic classrooms and provide additional restroom space and an expansion of the cafeteria, which will also serve as a large group instruction space, and (vi) related site improvements, including, but not limited to, all or any portion of parking lot repair/restoration, curbs, sidewalks and concrete repair/replacement and signage installation/repair/replacement, (b) other miscellaneous facility improvement, construction, equipping and land improvement and/or acquisition projects at one or more facilities operated by the School Corporation or to be used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, and (c) all projects related to any of the projects described in either clause (a) or (b) (clauses (a) through and including (c), collectively, the “2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project”), and (2) to the extent permitted by law, to take all of the necessary steps to finance all or a portion of the costs of all, or as much as is possible based on the facts and circumstances at the time, of the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project by issuing one or more series of proposed general obligation bonds, the interest on which will not be excludable from federal income tax (the “General Obligation Bonds”) and/or entering into a proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases (collectively, the “Lease”) between one or more local nonprofit school building corporations, as lessor (collectively, the “Building Corporation”), and the School Corporation, as lessee, relating to all or any portion of the school facilities operated by the School Corporation. The Building Corporation, as lessor, will issue one or more series of first mortgage bonds secured by and payable from the lease payments under the proposed Lease (the “First Mortgage Bonds”). The total maximum original aggregate principal amount of the General Obligation Bonds and the First Mortgage Bonds (collectively, the “Bonds”) will be Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000), or such greater amount in the case of the issuance of any bonds all or a portion of which will be used to refund all or any portion of the First Mortgage Bonds.
The maximum term for each series of the Bonds will not exceed twenty (20) years and the proposed Lease with respect to each facility subject to the proposed Lease at the time of the issuance of each series of the First Mortgage Bonds will have a maximum term not to exceed twenty-two (22) years, beginning on the date each such lease or amendment to lease is recorded by the School Corporation in connction with the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project. Based on an estimated maximum average interest rate that will be paid in connection with the Bonds of seven percent (7.00%) per annum, the total interest cost associated therewith, including any capitalized interest that may be paid by the School Corporation or the Building Corporation on all or a portion of the Bonds, is $13,028,925. The maximum annual principal and interest to be paid on the Bonds plus the maximum annual lease rental to be paid by the School Corporation under the proposed Lease is $7,000,000, and the maximum total principal and interest to be paid on the Bonds plus the maximum total lease rental over the term of the
Lease is $28,028,925, not taking into account any funds of the School Corporation or the Building Corporation available for capitalized interest. The School Corporation’s certified total aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax levy for 2024 pay 2025 (which is the most recent certified tax levy) is $69,093,191, and the School Corporation’s aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax rate for 2024 pay 2025 (which is the most recent certified tax rate) is $0.5885 per $100 of assessed value. The estimated total maximum aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax levy for the School Corporation and the estimated total maximum aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax rate for the School Corporation after the issuance of the Bonds are anticipated to occur no earlier than 2025 pay 2026 and will be $77,920,783 and $0.6138 per $100 of assessed value, respectively, and are anticipated to continue at approximately these levels through at least 2034 pay 2035, as a result of the payment of the debt service on the General Obligation Bonds and the amount of the debt service payments on other bonds and lease rental obligations paid by the School Corporation; provided, however, the total tax rate for the School Corporation for 2025 pay 2026 is anticipated to remain at $1.1433 per $100 of assessed value. The percent of the School Corporation’s current annual debt service/lease payments and projected maximum annual debt service/lease payments after the issuance of the Bonds compared to the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation is approximately seven tenths of one percent (0.7000%). The percent of the School Corporation’s outstanding long term debt, together with the outstanding long term debt of other taxing units that include any of the territory of the School Corporation, compared to the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation is approximately five and forty-three one-hundredths of one percent (5.43%).
Petitions requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project may be filed with the Hamilton County Voter Registration Office within thirty (30) days after the date of the publication of this notice in the manner provided by Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended. If a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project has been filed as set forth in Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended, the Bonds and/or debt service payments related to the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project must be approved in an election on a local public question held under Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.6, as amended, prior to the levy of any property taxes to pay such proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service payments. In the event that a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025 Hamilton Southeastern Intermediate/Junior High School Renovation and Update Project has been filed as set forth in Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended, the Board has determined to reconvene as soon as possible after receiving notice of such petition to consider approval of the form of the public question to be recommended to the Hamilton County Auditor and the Hamilton County Election Board for consideration by the registered voters at the election conducted under Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.6, as amended, and other related matters.
Dated: January 29, 2025.
By: Patrick Mapes, Superintendent
Notice of Preliminary Determination: GO Bonds for Proposed 2025-2026 District-Wide Facility Improvement
Owners of real property, and registered voters residing, in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”), hereby are given notice that the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation (the “Board”) preliminarily has determined, at its meeting held January 22, 2025, that (1) a need exists for (a) certain renovation, expansion, upgrade, improvement, site improvement and equipping projects, including, but not limited to, roofing restoration, repair and/or replacement, security upgrades, lighting upgrades, asphalt and concrete restoration, repair and/or replacement, and interior and exterior repairs, updates and/or restoration, at one or more of the existing buildings operated by the School Corporation, including, but not limited to, all or any of the existing Hamilton Southeastern High School, Fishers High School, Fall Creek Junior High School, Fishers Junior High School, Sand Creek Intermediate School, Fall Creek Intermediate School, Central Office, all or any of the other support buildings, all or any of the existing elementary schools, including, but not limited to, the existing Durbin Elementary School and Harrison Parkway Elementary School, and all or any of the outdoor improvements or structures related to any of the foregoing buildings, all of which are used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, (b) the acquisition and/or installation of certain equipment, including, but not limited to, solar arrays, playground equipment, musical instruments, curricular materials, laptops and tablets, furniture, food service equipment and other technology equipment, including, but not limited to, software, all of which will be used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, (c) the acquisition of approximately 36 buses and one or more other vehicles over the next three years, all of which will be used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, and (d) all of the projects related to all or any portion of any of the projects set forth in clauses (a) through and including (c) (collectively, the “2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project”); and (2) to the extent permitted by law, to take all of the necessary steps to finance all or a portion of the costs of all, or as much as is possible based on the facts and circumstances at the time, of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project by issuing one or more series of proposed general obligation bonds (the “General Obligation Bonds”) and/or entering into a proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases between one or more local nonprofit school building corporations, as lessor (collectively, the “Building Corporation”), and the School Corporation, as lessee, relating to all or any portion of the school facilities operated by the School Corporation. The Building Corporation, as lessor, will issue one or more series of first mortgage bonds secured by and payable from the lease payments under the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases (the “First Mortgage Bonds”). The total maximum original aggregate principal amount of the General Obligation Bonds and the First Mortgage Bonds (collectively, the “Bonds”) will be Forty-Two Million Dollars ($42,000,000), or such greater amount in the case of the issuance of any bonds all or a portion of which will be used to refund all or any portion of the First Mortgage Bonds.
The maximum term for each series of the Bonds will not exceed five (5) years and the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases with respect to each facility subject to the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases at the time of the issuance of each series of the First Mortgage Bonds will have a maximum term not to exceed five (5) years, beginning on the date each such lease or
amendment to lease is recorded by the School Corporation in connection with the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project. Based on an estimated maximum average interest rate that will be paid in connection with the Bonds of seven percent (7.00%) per annum, the total interest cost associated therewith, including any capitalized interest that may be paid by the School Corporation or the Building Corporation on all or a portion of the Bonds, is $10,351,075 (which amount is net of any funds received by the School Corporation or the Building Corporation from the United States of America as a result of any or all of the Bonds being issued under one or more federal tax credit programs). The maximum annual principal and interest to be paid on the Bonds plus the maximum annual lease rental to be paid by the School Corporation under the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases is $45,837,575 (which amount is net of any funds received by the School Corporation or the Building Corporation from the United States of America as a result of any or all of the Bonds being issued under one or more federal tax credit programs), and the maximum total principal and interest to be paid on the Bonds plus the maximum total lease rental over the term of the lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases is $52,351,075 (which amount is net of any funds received by the School Corporation or the Building Corporation from the United States of America as a result of any or all of the Bonds being issued under one or more federal tax credit programs), not taking into account any funds of the School Corporation or the Building Corporation available for capitalized interest. The School Corporation’s certified total aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax levy for 2024 pay 2025 (which is the most recent certified tax levy) is $69,093,191, and the School Corporation’s aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax rate for 2024 pay 2025 (which is the most recent certified tax rate) is $0.5885 per $100 of assessed value. The estimated total maximum aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax levy for the School Corporation and the estimated total maximum aggregate exempt and non-exempt debt service fund tax rate for the School Corporation after the issuance of the Bonds are anticipated to occur no earlier than 2025 pay 2026 and will be $77,920,783 and $0.6138 per $100 of assessed value, respectively, and are anticipated to continue at or below these levels through at least 2034 pay 2035, as a result of the payment of the debt service on the General Obligation Bonds and the lease rentals under the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to one or more existing leases described herein and the amount of the debt service payments on other bonds and lease rental obligations paid by the School Corporation. The percent of the School Corporation’s current annual debt service/lease payments and projected maximum annual debt service/lease payments after the issuance of the Bonds compared to the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation is approximately seven tenths of one percent (0.7000%). The percent of the School Corporation’s outstanding long term debt, together with the outstanding long term debt of other taxing units that include any of the territory of the School Corporation, compared to the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation is approximately five and forty-three one-hundredths of one percent (5.43%).
Petitions requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project may be filed with the Hamilton County Voter Registration Office within thirty (30) days after the date of the publication of this notice in the manner provided by Indiana Code §6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended. If a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or the proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project has been filed as set forth in Indiana Code §6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended, the Bonds and/or the proposed lease rental and/or debt service payments related to the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project must be approved in an election on a local public question held under Indiana Code §6-1.1-20-3.6, as amended, prior to the levy of any property taxes to pay such proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service
payments. In the event that a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process to the Bonds and/or the proposed lease rental payments and/or debt service payments related to the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project has been filed as set forth in Indiana Code §6-1.1-20-3.5, as amended, the Board has determined to reconvene as soon as possible after receiving notice of such petition to consider approval of the form of the public question to be recommended to the Hamilton County Auditor and the Hamilton County Election Board for consideration by the registered voters at the election conducted under Indiana Code §6-1.1-20-3.6, as amended, and other related matters.
Dated: January 29, 2025.
By: Patrick Mapes, Superintendent
Notice Execution of Amended and Restated Lease
Pursuant to action taken on January 8, 2025, an Amended and Restated Lease with the Hamilton Southeastern Consolidated School Building Corporation in the form submitted at said meeting was authorized and approved by the Board of School Trustees of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”).
The Amended and Restated Lease in said form was executed on behalf of the School Corporation on January 8, 2024.
Dated this 13th day of January, 2025.
By: Patrick Mapes, Superintendent
Notice to Sub-Contractors - Pre-Qualification (FCI Renovation)
Notice to Sub-Contractors - Pre-Qualification
Date: January 14, 2025
Re: Renovation of Fall Creek Intermediate
12011 Olio Road
Fishers, IN 46038
The Skillman Corporation Project No. 223730
All first tier subcontractors wishing to bid and contract for this project must be prequalified in order to participate in the bidding process and to be considered for an award of contract. The prequalification process will be administered by the Owner’s Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc), The Skillman Corporation. The following are the Bid Categories under consideration for this project.
1 – General Trades
2 - Masonry
3 - Metal Studs & Drywall
4 - Aluminum Storefont & Glazing
5 - Flooring
6 - Painting
7 - Casework
8 - Food Service
9 - Fire Protection
10 - Plumbing
11 - HVAC
12 - Electrical
In order to prequalify, first tier subcontractors must submit their completed Prequalification Form conforming to the requirements set forth below no later than Feburary 6, 2025. The CMc reserves the right to extend this deadline in its sole discretion. The Prequalification Form is available for pick up by interested first tier subcontractors at The Skillman Corporation’s Office. Prequalification Form will also be available via email, requests shall be sent to Andrew Huehls at Bid documents will be available on or after January 16, 2025.
Prequalification requirements set forth by the CMc and Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation are as follows:
- Performance & Payment Bond from company with a rating of A+ VII, A VII or A- VII by A. M. Best and lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located.
- Must be able to obtain Insurance in the amount of $3 Million Commercial General Liability; $3 Million Aggregate; $5 Million Umbrella from company with a rating of A+ VII, A VII or A- VII by A. M. Best and lawfully authorized to do business in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located.
- Provide an arbitration and litigation history on all construction contracts in the last 10 years.
- Provide record of safety history to include EMR, DART, TRIR and history of OSHA violations.
- Provide history of contracting with or hiring minority, women, and veteran business enterprises on prior projects and include date of projects.
- Sub-contractors must commit and be able to comply with applicable laws including but not limited to the requirements detailed in the bidding documents and found in applicable public works and contract statutes.
- First tier subcontractors may be found to be unqualified for this project if the CMc, Architect, or Owner determines that: (i) the above requirements have not been satisfied, (ii) a history of non-compliance by the first tier subcontractor that has negatively impacted the schedule, budget, safety or quality of a project, (iii) if the first tier subcontractor’s experience on comparable projects is insufficient, or (iv) the first tier subcontractor’s available manpower is insufficient based on its current workload.
Hamilton Southeastern Schools
Notice to Pre-Qualified Bidders (FCI Renovation)
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for a Public CMc Project under IC 5-32:
By: The Skillman Corporation, Construction Manager
For: Renovation of Fall Creek Intermediate School
At: February 13, 2025
Until: 11:00 AM (local time)
Via: eBid – Electronic Bid Submission
All work for the complete construction of the Project will be under one or more sub-contracts with the Construction Manager based on bids received from pre-qualified tier 1 bidders and on combinations awarded. Award of contracts will be in accordance with Indiana Public Bidding Laws. The Construction Manager will not self-perform any of the work on this project.
Construction shall be in full accordance with the Bidding Documents which are on file with the Owner and Construction Manager and may be examined by prospective bidders at the following locations:
Office of the Construction Manager The Skillman Corporation 3834 S. Emerson Avenue, Building A Indianapolis, IN 46203 |
The Skillman Plan Room
Pre-Qualified Bidders, sub-subcontractors and material suppliers must place an order on to be able to download documents electronically or request printed documents. There is no cost for downloading the bidding documents. Bidders desiring printed documents shall pay for the cost of printing, shipping and handling. Reprographic Services are provided by:
Eastern Engineering 9901 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 46038, Phone 317-598-0661.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on January 28, 2025, 2:00PM (local time), via Microsoft Teams.
Attendance by bidders is optional, but recommended, to clarify or answer questions concerning the Drawings and Project Manual for the Project.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 214 363 219 72
Passcode: Ln2r4LU9
Dial in by phone
+1 317-762-3960,,444685378# United States, Indianapolis
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Phone conference ID: 444 685 378#
The following bid categories are under consideration for this project:
1 – General Trades |
7 – Casework |
2 – Masonry |
8 – Food Service |
3 – Metal Studs & Drywall |
9 – Fire Protection |
4 – Aluminum Storefont & Glazing |
10 – Plumbing |
5 – Flooring |
11 – HVAC |
6 - Painting |
12 – Electrical |
Bid security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
The Owner and CMc reserve the right, in their sole discretion unless otherwise prohibited by law, to (i) waive any informalities and irregularities in bids received; (ii) reject any or all bids for a particular bid package; and (iii) award subcontracts to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, provided that the bid has been submitted in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents.
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Owner and CMc shall have the right to accept alternates in any order or combination, unless otherwise specifically provided in the bidding documents, and to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder on the basis of the sum of the base bid and alternates accepted.
The successful Bidders will be required to furnish Dual Obligee Performance and Payment Bonds for one hundred percent (100%) of their Contract amount prior to execution of Contracts.
Subcontractors submitting bids for the performance of Work as specified in this building Project should make such Bids to The Skillman Corporation. Contractors shall enter into a sub-contract with The Skillman Corporation as the Construction Manager CMc for the Owner.
The Owner and the Construction Manager reserve their rights to accept or reject any Bid (or combination of Bids) and to waive any irregularities in bidding. All Bids may be held for a period not to exceed 60 days before awarding contracts.
Bid proposals for the scopes of work outlined in Section 01 12 00 – Multiple Contract Summary must be received on or before the due date and time. Bids are to be submitted via eBid Electronic Bid Submission (refer to Section 00 10 00 – Instruction to Bidders for detailed instructions). eBid will not allow bids to be submitted past the due date and time. Bid proposals from bidders that have not prequalified for the project will not be accepted.
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 256 843 789 683
Passcode: Xd3ii3qo
Dial in by phone
+1 317-762-3960,,559670842# United States, Indianapolis
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Phone conference ID: 559 670 842#
Notice of Public Hearings: District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project
The citizens of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana (the “School Corporation”), are hereby notified that the Board of School Trustees of the School Corporation (the “Board”) is considering all or any portion of (a) certain renovation, expansion, upgrade, improvement, site improvement and equipping projects, including, but not limited to, roofing restoration, repair and/or replacement, security upgrades, lighting upgrades, asphalt and concrete restoration, repair and/or replacement, and interior and exterior repairs, updates and/or restoration, at one or more of the existing buildings operated by the School Corporation, including, but not limited to, all or any of the existing Hamilton Southeastern High School, Fishers High School, Fall Creek Junior High School, Fishers Junior High School, Sand Creek Intermediate School, Fall Creek Intermediate School, Central Office, all or any of the other support buildings, all or any of the existing elementary schools, including, but not limited to, the existing Durbin Elementary School and Harrison Parkway Elementary School, and all or any of the outdoor improvements or structures related to any of the foregoing buildings, all of which are used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, (b) the acquisition and/or installation of certain equipment, including, but not limited to, solar arrays, playground equipment, musical instruments, curricular materials, laptops and tablets, furniture, food service equipment and other technology equipment, including, but not limited to, software, all of which will be used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, (c) the acquisition of approximately 36 buses and one or more other vehicles over the next three years, all of which will be used by the School Corporation in connection with its operations, and (d) all of the projects related to all or any portion of any of the projects set forth in clauses (a) through and including (c) (collectively, the “2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project”).
The estimated cost of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project will be in excess of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), all or a portion of which will be financed by issuing one or more series of general obligation bonds and/or entering into one or more leases or amendments to an existing lease or leases with one or more Indiana nonprofit school building corporations or other funds as they may become available. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned that the Board will, on January 8, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. (local time) and again on January 22, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. (local time), in the Board Room of the School Corporation’s Central Office, located at 13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers, Indiana, conduct a public hearing (1) to explain the potential value of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project to the School Corporation and the community, and (2) regarding a preliminary determination to issue one or more series of general obligation bonds and/or enter into a proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to an existing lease or leases between one or more Indiana nonprofit school building corporations, each as lessor, and the School Corporation, as lessee, to finance all or any portion of the costs of all or any portion of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project. The proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to an existing lease or leases will relate to all or any portion of facilities currently operated or to be operated by the School Corporation. At each of the hearings the Board will also hear objections to, and support for, all or any portion of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project from the general public.
All interested parties are entitled and encouraged to attend to present their testimony and ask any questions relative to the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project at either or both of the hearings.
Subsequent to the public hearing held on January 22, 2025, the Board expects to consider adoption of a resolution regarding the nature of the 2025-2026 District-Wide Equipment and Facility Improvement Project and making a preliminary determination to issue one or more series of general obligation bonds or enter into the proposed lease or leases or amendment or amendments to an existing lease or leases for the purposes and pursuant to the terms described in this notice.
Dated the 18th day of December 2024.
By: Patrick Mapes, Superintendent
Request for Proposals - E-Rate Category 2 Equipment
Hamilton Southeastern Schools
Request for Proposals – E-Rate Category 2 Equipment
Hamilton Southeastern Schools (the “Applicant”) is seeking proposals for a project to supply and install network equipment at its eligible locations. Bidders are advised that this project will be contingent upon the successful obtaining of Category 2 E-Rate funding, and the contract agreement between the district and the successful bidder must recognize that contingency.
The Applicant seeks an agreement that allows it to work with the selected vendor to adjust quantities and/or scale back or cancel the project entirely as needed based upon funding availability and/or the best interests of the Applicant.
Project Scope
The Applicant seeks eligible equipment as outlined in Appendix A. Equipment shall be new, factorysealed equipment currently available from the manufacturer; the Applicant will not accept proposals of used, remanufactured, refurbished, “B stock,” returns, open-box, discontinued, “gray market,” or equipment in any other condition other than new and factory-sealed with all original manufacturer warranties. No installation services are needed.
Any questions related to the technical aspects of this document should be directed to Tom Kouns, Director of Infrastructure Technologies, at, no later than 2:00pm on December 20th, 2024, and any requested site visits should be completed by that date. Answers to any written questions or any additional information, revisions, or clarifications to the RFP will be provided in the form of an addendum to be posted with the FCC Form 470 on the Universal Service (E-Rate) website. It is the sole responsibility of the Service Provider to check for any addenda that may be issued.
Response Format
Responses should include the following, if applicable:
- Applicable items should include all related software and hardware components that enable the functionality of the equipment (including any necessary mounting brackets, software licenses, multi-year licenses, and basic maintenance).
- If applicable, vendor is to specify all fees, shipping charges, taxes, surcharges and contingency fees for eligible equipment.
- If applicable, vendor is to specify the manufacturer’s warranty provided as an integral part of an eligible component without separately identifiable cost.
- Any ongoing subscription pricing must be listed separately.
Your response must include the following information:
- Line-item pricing for each item listed in Appendix A. Any discounting applied to your proposal must be reflected at the line-item level.
- In the case of proposed equivalent products, a thorough technical description of how each product from the manufacturer being bid meets each of the required functionalities of the product listed herein.
- Information outlining your company’s certifications and connections regarding the manufacturer’s equipment being bid, and length of time your company has provided equipment from the manufacturer being bid.
- Two (2) reference sites where your company has performed a similar installation of the equipment being bid, including business name, contact name and contact information. It is preferable that at least one reference should be for a school corporation or library system within 90 miles of the Applicant.
- Your E-Rate SPIN Number. (You must have a current SPAC form on file with USAC.)
The Applicant’s review of information will be primarily focused on the substance of the details provided in response to the requirements herein including but not limited to technical details, pricing and terms, experience, references, and adherence to the response format provided. Per E-rate rules, the cost of eligible goods and services will be the most heavily weighted evaluation factor.
Proposals must be prepared with specificity with regard to the equipment and/or services listed herein. Bids merely listing a general menu of equipment and/or services available from a vendor, bids appearing to be automatically generated without specificity in relation to the requirements of this RFP, and bids missing substantial information but inviting the applicant to contact the bidder to refine the bid and/or discuss specifics will not be considered valid bid responses and will be disqualified from consideration. This includes any SPAM and/or robotic responses. For more information, please review the USAC E-Rate News Brief of February 15, 2024.
Proposal Delivery
The Applicant reserves the right to reject each and every bid, and to waive informalities, irregularities, and errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law. This includes the right to extend the date and time for receipt of bids. In the event that a responsible bid is not received or if it is determined that the low bid received is too high, the bid received will be rejected and the project will be cancelled or re-bid.
Hamilton Southeastern Schools will receive sealed bids at the Hamilton Southeastern Administration Building, 13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers, IN 46038 until 2:00pm EST on January 3rd, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Envelopes containing bids shall be plainly marked “Bids – E-Rate Category 2.” Bids received after the designated time will be returned unopened.
Bidders must submit a hard copy of their bid and any required forms, AND an electronic version of the bid response (including any required forms) on a USB flash drive in a sealed envelope, with their firm’s name and address clearly indicated on the envelope. An electronic copy of the proposal should also be sent to Tom Kouns at Note that FAXED bids are not acceptable and will be rejected as non-responsive.
Below is a reference of the type of equipment and capacities (or their equivalent) to be supplied. Bidders should price separately and clearly indicate any ineligible costs for all services and equipment associated with this RFP. Applicant reserves right to adjust quantities of any item if necessary. For any part numbers that have been updated or replaced by the manufacturer, bidders should offer the most similar current part. For proposed equipment that is equivalent to items referenced below, bidder must show compatibility with Aruba Mobility Wireless Controller.
Part No. | Description | Qty. |
Q8N49A | HPE Aruba AP-ANT-22 Dual Band 2/4dBi Omni RPSMA Low Profile 2-pk Omni Antenna | 15 |
Q9G69A | HPE Aruba AP-MNT-MP10-B Campus AP mount bracket kit (10-pack) type B; suspended ceiling rail | 50 |
R1C72A | HPE Aruba AP-MNT-MP10-E Campus AP mount bracket kit (10-pack) type E: wall-box | 3 |
JW053A | HPE Aruba AP-270-MNT-V2 Outdoor AP Short Arm Pole/Wall Mounting Bracket | 3 |
R6W11A | HPE Aruba AP-270-MNT-H3 Outdoor AP Hanging Dual-Tilt Pole/Wall Mounting Bracket | 7 |
H01TME | HPE ANW FC 1Y NBD Exch AP-605H SVC [for S0B65A] | 5 |
R7J28A | HPE Aruba AP-635 (US) Tri-radio 2x2 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Internal Antennas Campus AP | 480 |
R4H03A | HPE Aruba AP-518 (US) Dual Radio 4x4/2x2 Wi-Fi 6 6xRPSMA Connectors Hardened AP | 5 |
R4H18A | HPE Aruba AP-575 (US) 802.11ax 2x2/4x4 Dual Radio Integrated Omni Antennas Outdoor AP | 3 |
R4H23A | HPE Aruba AP-577 (US) Dual Radio 2x2/4x4 802.11ax Integrated Directional Ant Outdoor AP | 7 |
R7J39A | HPE Aruba AP-655 (US) Tri-radio 4x4 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6E Internal Antennas Campus AP | 40 |
S0B65A | HPE Aruba AP-605HR (US) 2-Radio 3-Band Wi-Fi 6E 2x2 1+4 ETH PSE USB Remote AP Bundle | 10 |
S0J42A | HPE Aruba AP-600H-MNT1 Single-gang Wall-box Mount Kit | 5 |
S0J43A | HPE Aruba AP-600H-MNT2 Double-gang Wall-box Mount Kit (waiting) | 5 |
Notice To Taxpayers of Additional Appropriations
Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Hamilton County, Indiana that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at
Hamilton Southeastern Schools, 13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers, IN 46038 at 6:00pm., on the 11th day of December 2024.
Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard on the additional appropriation(s).
Timothy Brown, CFO
November 20, 2024
2025: Notice to Taxpayers, Proposed Bus Replacement, Proposed Capital Projects Plan
What is ESSER Funding?
The purpose of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds in general is to award subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools. The ESSER Funds are part of the third stimulus and emergency COVID relief funding stream authorized as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Of the total amount allocated to an LEA from the State’s ARP ESSER III award, the LEA must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. Remaining LEA funds may be used for a wide range of activities to address needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic.
How much funding will Hamilton Southeastern Schools receive?
ESSER III is a third stimulus and emergency COVID relief funding stream authorized as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act that was enacted in March 2021. While all public school districts are eligible for ESSER III funding, the allocation formula is equitably based on the district's share of Title 1 allocation. HSE received $2,948,752.50 for ESSER III funding that will be available through a reimbursement process for expenses paid by the Corporation. ESSER III funds must be encumbered (meaning all approved activities have occurred) by 9/30/2024. The last date for liquidation and final reimbursement is 12/15/2024.
Student Survey
Over the past two years, HSE Schools has engaged community stakeholders including students, parents, staff members, and professionals/employers. These community members voiced the knowledge, skills, and attributes every HSE student should learn and develop prior to graduating.
As a part of this initiative, HSE introduced a student skills survey beginning last fall. In March we will administer the Spring delivery of the survey to measure student growth this year. This survey provides valuable insight for district leaders, building principals, and teachers as we identify new and better ways to serve our students and equip them with the skills they need to be lifelong learners. This anonymous survey allows us to better understand student experiences, gauge student satisfaction, and identify areas for growth to help us bring our communities’ vision from a concept to a reality.
We value families’ desire for privacy and understand that they play an important role in choosing whether their student takes the school survey. In accordance with Indiana code, the results of the survey are completely anonymous, and families are provided the opportunity to consent to their students receiving the survey for each delivery. (This means if you did not consent in the fall and you still do not wish for your student(s) to be surveyed you must fill out the consent form again.)
Important Dates
- February 7 - Consent form opens
- March 12 - Consent form deadline
- March 17-28 - Survey window*
*High schools may give the survey after this window to align with employability days.
Q: When will the student skills survey be conducted?
A: Schools will administer the survey between March 17-28. Each school will deliver the survey within those dates at their discretion.
Q: How will the insights from the survey be used?
A: Insights from the survey will be used to help building and district leaders improve their school environments, and help learners foster the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to succeed.
Q: What measures are in place to ensure student privacy?
A: In keeping with Indiana Code, the survey is completely anonymous. Students will be asked what school they attend and what grade they are in. All other questions are multiple-choice and are not personally identifiable. Once a student submits their survey there is no way for any school official at HSE, or a third party to attribute their survey response to them.
Q: What questions will be asked?
A: All survey questions are posted in the panels below.
Q: How are questions being asked?
A: The survey will use a 4-point Likert scale to measure student attitudes, opinions, and perceptions. The Likert scale is commonly used in market research, customer satisfaction surveys, and social science research due to its simplicity and clarity. Each question will offer four options such as, Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. This scale eliminates a neutral option, encouraging students to lean towards a positive or negative response. All questions are optional and students may skip any question they do not want to answer.
Q: Is HSE using a 3rd party platform to deliver the survey?
A: Yes, HSE is partnering with Qualtrics XM to deliver the survey. Qualtrics XM is a popular national platform that helps organizations in both the public and private sector enhance customer, employee, product, and brand experiences. More information about Qualtrics can be found on their website.
K-2 Questions
Questions will be answered via pictographic response options.
- What school do you go to?
- What grade are you in?
- Can you name your feelings?
- Do you know how to calm down when you have strong feelings?
- Do you ask for help when you have strong feelings?
- When something is hard do you keep trying?
- Do you follow directions?
- Are you kind to others?
- Do you take turns?
- Do you help other people?
- Do you feel safe at your school?
- Are students kind to each other at your school?
- Do adults help when students aren't being kind to others?
- Do adults at school make you want to come to school?
- If you walk into your classroom upset, will your teacher help you?
3-6 Questions
Questions are answered on a 4-response scale from least favorable to most favorable, (Strongly disagree – Strongly agree, etc.)
1 |
What school do you go to? |
2 |
What grade are you in? |
3 |
I listen to other people without interrupting them |
4 |
I am polite to adults |
5 |
I am polite to other students |
6 |
I can disagree with others without starting an argument |
7 |
I can stay calm when someone is bothering me |
8 |
I can stay calm, even when people around me are not calm |
9 |
When I get upset, I can calm down |
10 |
I care about other people’s feelings |
11 |
I spend time with people who are different from me. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities) |
12 |
I am comfortable learning about or discussing current events in class. |
13 |
My teachers are respectful toward me |
14 |
If I have a problem my teacher will help me |
15 |
I can talk to a teacher about something that is bothering me |
16 |
People show respect to others at my school |
17 |
Students at my school say mean things or spread rumors online |
18 |
I feel safe at my school |
19 |
I worry about violence at my school |
20 |
Students at my school report bullying when they see it |
21 |
When a student is bullied at my school, they can get help from an adult |
22 |
Students at my school fight a lot |
23 |
Students at my school treat people fairly who are different from them. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities) |
24 |
Adults at my school treat people fairly who are different from them. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities) |
25 |
My school encourages me to learn about people of different, ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities. |
26 |
I can express my feelings clearly |
27 |
I know when I am supposed to calm down |
28 |
People at school understand me as a person |
29 |
Adults at school respect me |
30 |
Other students at school respect me |
31 |
I belong at my school |
32 |
I come to class prepared |
33 |
I follow directions in class |
34 |
I start my schoolwork right away |
35 |
I wait until the last minute to finish my work |
36 |
If I don’t reach a goal, I will try again |
37 |
I can stay focused even with distractions |
38 |
I have completed goals, even when I was challenged |
39 |
I pay attention in class |
40 |
Which of the following (if any) are making it difficult for you to succeed at school? (Select all that apply) |
Controlling my anger |
Drugs and/or alcohol |
Parent's divorce or separation |
Grieving about the loss of a family member or close friend |
Stress/anxiety |
Feeling sad most of the time |
Fear of making mistakes |
Fear of taking tests |
Not having a place to sleep |
Not having enough to eat |
Not getting enough sleep |
Lack of meaningful friendships |
Family money problems |
7-12 Questions
Questions are answered on a 4-response scale from least favorable to most favorable, (Strongly disagree – Strongly agree, etc.)
1 |
What school do you go to? |
2 |
What grade are you in? |
3 |
I listen to other people without interrupting them |
4 |
I am polite to adults |
5 |
I am polite to other students |
6 |
I can disagree with others without starting an argument |
7 |
I remain calm, even when someone is bothering me |
8 |
I can stand up for myself without putting others down |
9 |
I can control my emotions when they are not appropriate |
10 |
I can stay calm, even when others around me are not calm |
11 |
I care about other people's feelings |
12 |
I spend time with people who are different from me. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families or abilities) |
13 |
I am comfortable learning about or discussing current events in class. |
14 |
I have teachers who I feel are respectful toward me |
15 |
I have a teacher who I can talk to when something is bothering me |
16 |
People at my school show respect to others |
17 |
Students at my school lie, spread rumors, or make fun of others online |
18 |
I feel safe at school |
19 |
I worry about violence at my school |
20 |
When a student is bullied in school, they can get help from adults |
21 |
Students at my school fight often. |
22 |
Students at my school treat people fairly who are different from them. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities) |
23 |
Adults at my school treat people fairly who are different from them. (for example: ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities) |
24 |
My school encourages me to learn about people of different, ethnicities, cultures, families, or abilities? |
25 |
I can describe my feelings |
26 |
I can identify when my emotions are not appropriate |
27 |
I am respected by other students at school |
28 |
People at my school understand me as a person |
29 |
I attend school-sponsored events, like sporting events or student performances |
30 |
I participate in extra-curricular activities like sports or clubs |
31 |
I feel that I belong at my school |
32 |
I come to class prepared |
33 |
I follow directions in class |
34 |
I start my work right away, instead of waiting until the last minute |
35 |
I wait until the last minute to finish my work |
36 |
I pay attention in class |
37 |
I have recently set personal or school goals |
38 |
If I don’t reach a goal the first time, I am able to try again. |
39 |
When I am working toward a long-term goal, I can keep working even when it is challenging |
40 |
Which of the following (if any) are making it difficult for you to succeed at school? (Select all that apply) |
Controlling my anger |
Feeling sad most of the time |
Not getting enough sleep |
Drugs and/or alcohol |
Fear of making mistakes |
Lack of meaningful friendships |
Parent’s divorce or separation |
Fear of taking tests |
Grieving about the loss of a family member or close friend |
Not having a place to sleep |
Stress/ anxiety |
Not having enough to eat |
Family financial stress |