Complete the Request to Administer Medication form and bring the medication, along with the completed form, to your child’s school nurse. Form is located under the Medications tab on Health Services home page.
If this will be a daily medication, you must provide the medication in the original prescription container. The medication will be administered as prescribed on the bottle. If this is different than what you prefer, you will need to contact your doctor to update the prescription.
*If your child is in grades K-6, all medication (including refills) must be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian.
**If your child is in grades 7-12, it is preferable a parent delivers the medication to the school. If a parent chooses to send medication with the student to school, the parent MUST notify the nurse via phone call or email prior to delivery by student. The student should bring the medication immediately to the clinic and should be in a sealed envelope with the name of student, name of medication, dose and pill count. Any discrepancy will be reported to the parent/guardian.