Creating Your Parent Observer Account
- Use a computer! Provided instructions are for a computer, not a mobile device. HSE does not recommend the use of the Canvas Parent App at this time due to its limitations.
- Please use both your first and last name when you enter your name during set up.
- If you already have an account from last year, or from an older student and are adding another or younger student, you will NOT create another account. Instead, you will add the new student to your existing account (directions below).
- It is recommended that parents create one Canvas Observer Account, then connect multiple students to that one account (directions below).
STEP 1 Gather the following information:
Username: This is the student's school email, which can be found in Skyward Family Access. It is created by the first 5 letters of their last name, the first three letters of their first name, and 000. Sometimes the 000 is 001, 002, or 003, followed by Please verify in Skyward. (sample:
Password: K-4 will use a lowercase hse followed by their Other ID number (sample: hse999888)
Password: 5-12 will use uppercase Hse followed by their Other ID number (sample: Hse999888)
Your preferred email address to be used as your Canvas login username (HSE staff must use personal email, not school email)
A password of your choice for your parent observer account
STEP 2 Get a Pairing Code: Log into the STUDENT Canvas portal for HSE at with your STUDENT's credentials Click here for a video animation of this step (no sound).
STEP 3 Create Parent Observer Account: Go to the PARENT Canvas portal at & click "Click Here For An Account" to begin. Complete all information. Click here for a video animation of this step (no sound).
STEP 4 From now on, be sure to always use this Parent Canvas Link to login with your parent observer account.