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Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Statement

It is the policy of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability in its educational programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act (IC 22-9-1), (IC 20-33-1), Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (1972 educational amendment), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation will not discriminate or tolerate any form of discrimination in its educational or employment activities for any reason or on any basis prohibited by applicable federal and state laws, including race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age or disability. This includes but is not limited to a characteristic, trait, belief, practice, association or other attribute. Hamilton Southeastern Schools will foster a culture and environment that does not marginalize, treat unfairly or disrespect any member of our school community and will recognize the uniqueness and individuality of all students, educators, staff and administrators, so they have an opportunity to succeed.

This commitment applies to all School Corporation operations, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of harassment or discrimination. This policy applies to conduct occurring on school grounds immediately before, during, or immediately after school hours; in any school program or activity taking place in school facilities, on school transportation, or at other off-campus locations, such as at school-sponsored field trips or a training program; or using property or equipment provided by the school, including school-owned computers and the school’s computer network.

The immediate remedy for any act of discrimination shall be to end it, treat the individuals involved equitably, and, as much as practically possible, eradicate any effects of discrimination. The school corporation may impose discipline as appropriate.

If you feel you have experienced or witnessed a violation of the HSE non-discrimination policy, please follow the proper procedures

Inquiries regarding compliance with, Section 504, or the Americans with disabilities Act should be directed to Barb Walters, Director of Exceptional Learners, Hamilton Southeastern Schools 13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers, Indiana 46038 or the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington D.C.

Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX and Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 should be directed to Ryan Taylor, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Hamilton Southeastern Schools, 13485 Cumberland Road, Fishers, Indiana 46038 the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Washington D.C.